From the knowledge and experience to innovate!


At the next meeting, the Commission considered two new ideas of employees of the production and testing laboratory (pil) and the heat supply section:

- "Installation of filters for supply and exhaust ventilation", author senior engineer Peel Sadrieva E. V.;

- "The use of excessive thermal energy of boilers utilization line-01 PLC for heating water in the heating system of the Company", the author of the site heating Kushaev R. sh., co - author of the site master Hasanov R. A.

For the first time the Commission received an act on the introduction of ideas on the method of POKA-YOKE:

The author of the online video camera to control the integrity of the original glass loading area of the coating line, the technologist of the coating area, Ostanin V.

According to the decision of the Commission, the authors and co-authors are encouraged by the award in the following amounts:



Sum, rub.

Sadrieva E.V.


Kushaev R.Sh.


Hasanov R.А.


Ostanin А.V.