The Commission considered new innovative ideas


The Commission considered two ideas received:

- -specialist in equipment of PSB with Almakaeva S. V. (co-author-software engineer OIT Makarov I. V.) " To conduct automated accounting of containers»;

- technology of Production of silicates Ibrakovic N. F. "Determination of silicate module SNR values of pH (similar to the rapid method)" and the act of introducing the ideas of the weigher PS Tuktarov F. V. "Duplication of the testimony of W/e weights on the node of loading p/wagons" (see photo).

According to the decision of the Commission and the current regulations, the authors are encouraged by the award in the following amount:


Flmakaevoi S.V.

500 rub.

Makarov I.V.

500 rub.

Ibrakova N.F.

500 rub.

Tuktarov F.V.

10430 rub.